We research and develop data-based, effective wellbeing services for preventive and solution-oriented health promotion.
Our multidisciplinary team at Active Life Lab conducts high-quality research and takes findings into practice. As a part of South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences, we have an active role in capacity building of our local community, with the focus in wellbeing research, development and innovation processes.
Sustainable growth of SMEs is our special focus. Together with our partners we create solutions to data economy, the green transition and sustainable wellbeing.
With our strong expertise in research and development, we help wellbeing businesses to turn ideas into reality.
Do you have a development idea regarding wellbeing research or service development? Are you interested in using the Hyviö app for evaluating the effectiveness of your services? Would you like to hear more about our Smart Gym and wellbeing research facilities? Contact us to say hello and hear more about our partnership program.
Together with our partners, we are always one step ahead of the wellbeing world.
Active Life Lab on vuonna 2018 perustettu Kaakkois-Suomen ammattikorkeakoulun tutkimuslaboratorio.
Active Life Lab perustettiin, koska väestön ikääntyminen ja sairauksien ennaltaehkäisy edellyttää yhä parempia ja vaikuttavampia hyvinvointipalveluita. Olemme kasvaneet kolmen henkilön tiimistä lähes 20 henkilön kansainvälisesti tunnistetuksi tutkimusyksiköksi.
Active Life Lab sijaitsee Mikkelissä Saimaa Stadiumilla osoitteessa Raviradantie 22 B.